Online iCalendar to CSV Converter

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Choose output options(Optional) options will be loaded after file/text is provided
NOTE - you can change the ICS values below by overwriting the Mapping value.

What is ICS (iCalendar)?

ICS, short for "iCalendar," is a widely used file format for storing calendar and scheduling information. It is a plain text format that facilitates the exchange and sharing of event data across different platforms and applications. ICS files typically use the ".ics" file extension, and the MIME type for ICS is "text/calendar." Each ICS file can contain one or more calendar events, each represented as a separate entry within the file. Event data in an ICS file includes information such as event title, start and end dates/times, location, description, and recurrence rules. ICS files follow a structured format defined by the iCalendar specification, making them interoperable with various calendar applications and services. ICS files can be imported into and exported from popular calendar applications like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Calendar. The flexibility and portability of ICS files make them suitable for tasks such as sharing meeting invitations, synchronizing events across devices, and publishing event schedules online.

Example ICS Data:

PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Server//EN
SUMMARY:Example Event
DESCRIPTION:This is an example event description.

Advantages of Using ICS:

Human-Readable: ICS files are easy to read and understand, facilitating communication of event details.
Interoperability: ICS files can be shared and used across different calendar applications and platforms.
Standardized Format: ICS follows the iCalendar specification, ensuring consistency and compatibility in event data representation.
Recurrence Support: ICS supports recurring events with flexible recurrence rule definitions.

Explore more about ICS on Wikipedia.

What is CSV?

CSV stands for "Comma-Separated Values." It is a plain text file format used to store and exchange tabular data. In a CSV file, each line represents a row of data, and the values within each row are separated by commas. This format is commonly employed for its simplicity and ease of use in storing structured information, such as spreadsheet data or database exports. CSV files are platform-independent and can be opened and edited with various software applications, making them a popular choice for data interchange between different systems and programs. CSV files commonly use the ".csv" file extension. The MIME type for CSV is "text/csv."

CSV Example:

Name, Age, Occupation
John Doe, 30, Engineer
Jane Smith, 25, Teacher
Bob Johnson, 35, Doctor

Advantages of Using CSV:

Human-Readable: CSV files are easy to read and understand, making them accessible to both technical and non-technical users.
Platform-Independent: CSV files can be used on various platforms, ensuring compatibility across different operating systems.
Simple Structure: The straightforward structure of CSV files simplifies data storage and retrieval processes.
Wide Application: CSV is widely used for tasks such as data import/export, data migration, and sharing structured information.

Read More:

Explore more about CSV on Wikipedia.

How to Convert ICS to CSV?

  • Step 1: Upload ICS File
    • Start by uploading your ICS file. You can either click on the 'Browse' button and select the file from your computer, or simply drag and drop the file into the designated area.
  • Step 2: Set Conversion Options
    • Optionally, you can configure conversion options according to your preferences. This may include specifying field mapping, selecting the desired separator character, or any other relevant settings.
  • Step 3: Initiate Conversion
    • Once you've uploaded the ICS file and adjusted the conversion options, click the 'Convert' button to start the conversion process.
  • Step 4: Download CSV
    • After the conversion is complete, you will be provided with a link to download the CSV file containing your converted data. Click on the link to download the file to your computer.

By following these four simple steps, you can convert your ICS files to CSV format effortlessly.

ICS (iCalendar) to CSV Conversion FAQs

1. What is iCalendar (ICS) to CSV conversion on ConversionTab?

iCalendar (ICS) to CSV conversion on ConversionTab allows you to convert iCalendar files or iCalendar text strings into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format.

2. How do I provide my iCalendar data for conversion?

You can input your iCalendar data in two ways:

  • Text: Users can manually input ICS data as a valid string in this tab.
  • File Tab: Users can upload their ICS file through the 'Drop/Browse File' feature, simplifying the process of working with existing data.

3. Which iCalendar versions are supported for conversion?

ConversionTab supports a range of iCalendar versions, including iCalendar 2.0, for conversion.

4. How do I initiate the conversion process?

After entering your iCalendar data or selecting a file, click the 'Convert' button to start the conversion process.

5. What happens if my provided data is not a valid iCalendar file or string?

If your input data is not a valid iCalendar file or string, ConversionTab will display an error message, and the conversion will not proceed.

6. What controls are available after conversion?

After conversion, you can customize the CSV output with the following options:

  • Mapping: Modify column names as needed.
  • Include: Select or deselect columns for the final CSV output.
  • Field Separator: Choose the separator character for CSV fields (e.g., comma, semicolon).

7. Can I specify which iCalendar properties to include in the CSV output?

Yes, you can select or deselect specific iCalendar properties to include in the final CSV output based on your requirements.

8. Is there an option to handle recurring events during conversion?

Yes, ConversionTab provides options to handle recurring events during conversion, allowing you to specify how recurring events should be represented in the CSV output.

9. Can I customize the date and time formatting in the CSV output?

Currently, ConversionTab handles date and time using default formatting, and customization of date and time formats is not available.

10. Is there an option to preview the CSV output before conversion?

Yes, you can preview a sample of the CSV output to ensure that the conversion results meet your expectations before proceeding with the conversion.

11. How do I get the CSV output?

Once the mapping and settings are complete, users can initiate the conversion process by clicking the 'Convert' button. The resulting CSV data is displayed in a textarea, providing users with two options:

  • Copy: Users can copy the generated CSV data for use elsewhere.
  • Download: Users can download the CSV file, with the option to specify a custom file name if desired.

This flexibility ensures that users can choose the most suitable method for accessing their converted data.

12. Is there an example iCalendar (ICS) and a way to reset the input/output data?

ConversionTab offers additional features to improve the user experience:

  • Example iCalendar (ICS): Users can access a sample iCalendar (ICS) by clicking the 'Example' button, which fills the text area with sample data, facilitating the understanding of the conversion process.
  • Reset Functionality: To clear input and output data, users can utilize the 'Clear' button, ensuring a clean slate for new conversions or adjustments.

13. How can I clear the output and start over?

To clear the output and begin a new conversion, simply click the 'Reset' button.