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What is JSON?

JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation." It is a lightweight data-interchange format. JSON is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is widely used for data exchange between a server and a web application, as well as for configuration files. JSON data is represented as key-value pairs and can include arrays and nested objects. JSON files typically have the ".json" file extension. The MIME type for JSON is "application/json."

JSON Example:

{"name": "John Doe","age": 30,"occupation": "Software Engineer","skills": ["JavaScript", "HTML", "CSS"]}

Advantages of Using JSON:

Human-Readable: JSON is easy for humans to read and write, facilitating efficient data comprehension and debugging.
Machine-Parsable: Machines can easily parse and generate JSON, making it a preferred format for data interchange between different systems and languages.
Supports Complex Data Structures: JSON supports nested structures, arrays, and key-value pairs, allowing representation of complex data in a structured manner.
Widely Adopted: JSON is a widely adopted data-interchange format in web development, supported by many programming languages and applications.

Read More:

Explore more about JSON on Wikipedia.