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What is XML?

XML stands for "eXtensible Markup Language." It is a markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. XML is widely used for representing structured data and documents on the web. It provides a way to store and transport data that can be easily parsed and manipulated. XML documents consist of elements, attributes, and text content. XML files typically have the ".xml" file extension. The MIME type for XML is "application/xml."

XML Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Address_Billing>698 Rohan Pine</Address_Billing>
    <Phone_Car>262-665-9227 x945</Phone_Car>
    <Title>Mechanical Engineer</Title>
    <Organization>Hegmann - Lueilwitz</Organization>
    <Address_Billing>417 Lillian Locks</Address_Billing>
    <Phone_Video>520-581-7516 x007</Phone_Video>
    <Title>Software Engineer</Title>
    <Organization>Conn - Leuschke</Organization>

Advantages of Using XML:

Human-Readable: XML is designed to be human-readable and self-descriptive, making it easy for developers and users to understand the structure of the data.
Platform-Independent: XML is platform-independent and can be used for data interchange between different systems and applications.
Extensibility: XML allows for the definition of custom tags and structures, providing flexibility and extensibility in representing diverse types of data.
Structured Data: XML is suitable for representing structured data, making it a popular choice for configuration files, data exchange between web services, and more.

Read More:

Explore more about XML on Wikipedia.