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What is SQL?

SQL stands for "Structured Query Language." It is a domain-specific language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. SQL provides a standardized way to interact with databases, enabling users to create, retrieve, update, and delete data. It is widely employed for tasks such as database design, data querying, and data manipulation. SQL is not limited to a specific database system and is supported by various database management systems (DBMS) like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. Common SQL operations include SELECT (querying data), INSERT (adding new data), UPDATE (modifying existing data), and DELETE (removing data).

SQL Example:

-- Selecting data from a table
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees WHERE Department = 'IT';

-- Inserting new data
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, CustomerName, Email) VALUES (1, 'ABC Company', '');

-- Updating existing data
UPDATE Products SET Price = 29.99 WHERE ProductID = 101;

-- Deleting data
DELETE FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = 500;

Advantages of Using SQL:

Declarative Language: SQL is a declarative language, meaning users specify the result they want, and the database management system determines the best way to retrieve it.
Scalability: SQL databases can handle large amounts of data and scale well with the growth of data and users.
Data Integrity: SQL supports constraints and relationships, ensuring the integrity of data stored in the database.
Interoperability: SQL is supported by a wide range of database systems, promoting interoperability across different platforms.

Read More:

Explore more about SQL on Wikipedia.

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