Online vCard to Excel Converter

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Choose output options(Optional) options will be loaded after file/text is provided
NOTE - you can change the VCF values below by overwriting the Mapping value.

What is VCF?

VCF stands for "vCard File" or "Virtual Contact File." It is a standardized electronic business card format. VCF files typically contain contact information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and more. This format is widely used for sharing and exchanging contact details between devices and applications. VCF files often have the ".vcf" file extension. The MIME type for VCF is "text/vcard."

VCF Example:

FN:John Doe
ORG:Company Inc.

Advantages of Using VCF:

Compatibility: VCF files are widely supported by various platforms, making them compatible for sharing contact information across different devices and applications.
Standardized Format: The vCard format is standardized, ensuring consistency and interoperability in storing and exchanging contact details.
Rich Information: VCF files can store a variety of contact information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and more.
Easy Import/Export: VCF files can be easily imported into and exported from contact management applications, simplifying the process of managing and sharing contact information.

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Explore more about VCF on Wikipedia.

What is Excel?

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office suite. It is widely used for various tasks such as storing, organizing, and analyzing tabular data, creating charts and graphs, and performing complex calculations.

Key Features:

1. Spreadsheet Management: Excel allows users to create, format, and manage spreadsheets with ease. Users can organize data into rows and columns, format cells, and apply various styles and themes.

2. Formulas and Functions: One of Excel's standout features is its ability to perform calculations using formulas and functions. Users can create complex calculations to analyze data, perform financial modeling, and automate tasks.

3. Data Analysis: Excel offers powerful tools for data analysis, including sorting, filtering, and pivot tables. Users can analyze large datasets, identify trends, and generate insights to make informed decisions.

4. Charting and Visualization: Excel provides a range of chart types and customization options for visualizing data. Users can create dynamic charts and graphs to present information in a compelling and easy-to-understand format.

5. Collaboration: Excel supports collaboration features that allow multiple users to work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously. Users can track changes, leave comments, and share workbooks securely.

Advantages of Using Excel:

Structured Data: Excel provides a structured way to organize and analyze tabular data with support for multiple sheets.
Formulas and Functions: Excel allows users to create complex formulas and functions for data analysis.
Charting and Visualization: Excel supports the creation of charts and graphs for visualizing data trends.
Compatibility: Excel files can be opened and edited using Microsoft Excel as well as other spreadsheet software, ensuring compatibility.

Read More:

Explore more about Excel on Wikipedia.

How to Convert VCF to XLSX?

  • Step 1: Enter Text or Upload File

    Begin by providing your contact details. You can either type them in or upload a VCF file—All three versions of VCF are accepted, including older phone formats (vCard 2.1), more recent ones (vCard 3.0), and the latest version (vCard 4.0). Ensure the input adheres to the required format for accurate conversion.

  • Step 2: Click the "Convert" Button

    Once your details are entered, click the "Convert" button. This initiates the conversion process, transforming your VCF data into a precise and reliable XLSX format that mirrors the original information.

  • Step 3: Download the XLSX File

    After the conversion is complete, click "Download" to save the XLSX file on your device. This allows convenient access and sharing of the converted data as needed.

    Converted XLSX Output:

    The output will be an Excel workbook format (.xlsx) containing structured data in tabular form.

VCF to Excel Conversion FAQs

1. What is vCard to Excel conversion on ConversionTab?

VCF to Excel conversion on ConversionTab allows you to convert vCard (VCF) files or vCard text strings into Excel format, providing an organized and structured way to manage contact information.

2. How do I provide my vCard data for conversion?

You can input your VCF data in two ways:
- Text Tab: Manually input VCF data as a valid string in this tab.
- File Tab: Upload your VCF file through the 'Drop/Browse File' feature to simplify working with existing data.

3. Which vCard versions are supported for Excel conversion?

ConversionTab supports various vCard versions, including 2.1, 3.0, and 4.0, ensuring compatibility with different data sources and formats for Excel conversion.

4. How do I initiate the Excel conversion process?

After entering your VCF data or selecting a file, click the 'Convert' button to start the Excel conversion process.

5. What happens if my provided data is not a valid vCard file or string?

If your input data is not a valid VCF file or string, ConversionTab will display an error message, and the conversion will not proceed.

6. What controls are available after conversion?

After conversion, you can customize the Excel output with the following options:
- Mapping: Modify column names as needed.
- Include: Select or deselect columns for the final Excel output.
- Multi-Values: Customize how vCard fields with multiple values and types (such as Email, Phone, and Address) are presented in the output.

7. Which vCard fields support customization of multi-values and types in the output?

The following vCard fields support customization of multi-values and types in the output:
- Email: Create separate Excel columns for each value and its associated type within these fields (e.g., Email, Email Work, Email Personal).
- Phone: Generate separate Excel columns for each phone number and its associated type (e.g., Phone, Phone Mobile, Phone Home).
- Address: Customize how multiple addresses are presented in the output Excel, including types (e.g., Address, Address Billing, Address Home).

8. What is the purpose of the 'Multi-Values' checkbox?

The 'Multi-Values' checkbox is a versatile feature that allows you to tailor how vCard fields with multiple values and types are presented in the output Excel:
- Create Separate Fields: When selected, this option generates distinct fields for each value and its associated type within fields with multiple values and types.
- Combine with Separator: Alternatively, you can choose this option to combine multiple values with the same type into a single field using a specified separator, chosen by the user.

9. Which separators can I use for combining multiple values?

You can choose from the following separators:
- Comma
- Tab
- Semi Colon (;)
- Space
- Colon (:)

10. Is there an option to see a sample vCard before conversion?

Yes, you can click the 'Example' button to view a sample VCF in the text area to understand the conversion process.

11. How can I clear the output and start over?

To clear the output and begin a new conversion, simply click the 'Clear' button.